New this year USSSA is dedicated to offering a complete service to our Teams. We have partnered directly with local area properties to offer our teams the lowest rate guaranteed coupled with the USSSA customer service you know. We hope to be able to accommodate your team’s needs offering a personalized experience to our guests playing USSSA. If you need assistance with your reservation please view the booking instructions, check out our FAQ section or contact us.
2/1/2025 Space Coast Kick Off
Looking to extend your stay or need Help Booking? Email [email protected]
customize with firstBooking.html in theme directory
1. Click “view rates” for the hotel of your choice
2. Review the information and click “Book My Team”
3. Complete the "Hold a Group Block" form and submit
4. Your group’s reservation link will be sent to your inbox. This needs to be forwarded to all team members
1. Select your hotel and "click" view rates
2. Choose your room type and "click" book rate
3. Fill out the reservation form with your information. Check the terms and conditions box. Accept the fee box then "click" "CONFIRM RESERVATION"
4. An email confirmation will be sent for your records.
customize with searchPageBottom.html in theme directory